After Words with Eric Foner


Eric Foner talked about his book Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad, in which he examines the efforts of free blacks and white abolitionists to secure freedom for fugitive slaves during the mid-19th century. In his book, the author recounts the development of the New York Vigilance Committee in 1835 as protection against slave kidnappings that occurred in New York City. This group spawned similar organizations throughout the North and ultimately lead to a network that secured the freedom of over 3,000 slaves. He spoke with Edna Greene Medford, chair of the history department at Howard University.

Hope you will listen to the video below.

Edna Greene Medford, Chair of the History Department at Howard University interviews Eric Foner
Edna Greene Medford, Chair of the History Department at Howard University interviews Eric Foner






Politics for the People Conference Call

with Eric Foner

Sunday, April 19th at 7 pm EST

Welcome C-SPAN Viewers !

You may have just seen my Politics for the People event on C-SPAN where my guests, former Congressman Mickey Edwards and President, Jackie Salit discussed the role of independents in U.S. Politics.

Let me hear your thoughts on this critical topic in the comments section below.

In 2002 I founded Politics for the People as a  free educational series for independent minded New Yorkers and I’m thrilled to be “taking it national” with a Blog, a Book Club for independents and now this  C-SPAN broadcast.

So, sign up at right below the “Follow us via Email” heading.  You’ll receive updates when new posts are made to the Politics for the People Blog and join my Book Club for independents.  We’re about to make our next selection which we’ll discuss together in a national conference call in June!

Independently Yours,

Cathy L. Stewart

PS – Jackie Salit and Mickey Edwards both have forthcoming books which are available for pre-order  from your favorite online bookseller.

CSPAN Coverage Tonight at 10:30 pm ET

Jackie Salit, President of, former Congressman Mickey Edwards and I at Friday’s Politics for the People.  (Photo: Beth Brown)

This just in from CSPAN:

CSPAN will be airing Politics for the People tonight at 10:30 pm ET.  The program will reair at 11:30 pm PST, that’s 2:30 am ET.

I hope you will tune in, and then send me your comments.

CSPAN broadcast of Politics for the People Tomorrow

Last Friday evening, former Congressman Mickey Edwards and President Jackie Salit were my guests at Politics for the People at the Newman Conference Center at Baruch College.  Our topic: The People vs. The Parties.  Both Jackie and Mickey have books coming out the summer.

We had a rich and fascinating discussion with our audience.  We talked about the negative role of the political parties in US, the cultural component of change, the competing powers of our government and the role of the President, the massive political disalignment of the American people from the political parties and more in this wide ranging conversation.

CSPAN is planning to broadcast  Friday’s Politics for the People on Thursday, May 3rd between 8-10 pm.  As soon as I know the exact broadcast time, I will get a post up right away.  I hope you will set your DVR or plan to tune in and watch.